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Top Benefits of Co-Managed IT for your Business

Top Benefits of Co-Managed IT for your Business

Co-managed IT services can provide significant benefits to a business' IT managers and staff. These services allow IT managers to partner with a managed service provider (MSP) to share the responsibilities of managing their organization's IT infrastructure. This can help IT managers to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their IT operations while also reducing costs and improving security.


Keep Technical Resources Focused on Business Goals

One of the main benefits of co-managed IT services is that IT managers can offload certain tasks to the MSP. This can include tasks such as monitoring and maintaining servers, managing backups, and providing technical support to users. By outsourcing these tasks, IT managers can focus on more strategic activities, such as developing new IT projects and initiatives. Cortavo manages all of the business’ routine technology tasks so your IT Managers don’t have to, and your Virtual IT Manager will lend their expertise to help you with project planning. 


Ongoing Support With Your Cybersecurity Strategy

Another benefit of co-managed IT services is that MSPs can help to improve the security of an organization's IT infrastructure. As the cyber threat landscape evolves daily, MSPs typically have experience and expertise in the latest security best practices and can help to identify and address potential security threats before they become a problem. Additionally, MSPs provide regular security updates and patches, which can help to keep your organization's IT infrastructure up-to-date and secure. Cortavo will do all of the above along with proactive network monitoring and ensure your staff is trained on cybersecurity best practices so you can sleep soundly knowing your business is secure. 


Save on your Information Technology Budget

Co-managed IT services can also help reduce costs. By outsourcing routine tasks to an MSP, your existing IT staff will be augmented by a large team of certified experts which  mitigates your need to need to hire costly specialists for your projects.  Cortavo also offers flat-fee subscription plans that cover your daily IT management as wells as strategic IT planning.   Cortavo's flat fee plans not only gives IT managers a predictable budget but also consolidate most IT and vendor expenses, including, cloud data storage, software licensing, and internet. 


Fill the Technology Skills Gap

There are so many aspects that go into complete IT management that it is near impossible for one or a few people to keep up with changes and certifications. Co-managed IT services can help to improve the overall performance of an organization's IT infrastructure by filling in technology skill gaps. When an issue or challenge arises that your team might not know how to handle, they can turn to a team of experts instead of guessing. Co-managed IT services with Cortavo includes a dedicated team of certified engineers that will provide your IT team with unlimited support and project planning to ensure your business continuity. 


Are Co-Managed IT Services a fit for my Business?

Co-managed IT services can provide a wide range of benefits to businesses, IT managers and staff, including efficiency and effectiveness, improved security, cost savings, and improved performance.   That is why many organizations are turning to co-managed IT services as a way to support their existing IT teams manage the business’s IT infrastructure.

If you are interested in learning more about IT plans from Cortavo can co-manage IT for your business, let’s talk.

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