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Cloud Migration Strategy Planning: 7 Tips

Cloud Migration Strategy Planning: 7 Tips

After you’ve done your research on cloud technology and decide you are ready to make the cloud migration flight. Your next question ought to be, where do I start? Before you can reap the benefits of scalability, cost savings, and anywhere and everywhere access; you must understand the most essential use of the cloud, its security. 

Unfortunately, it’s inevitable, data loss is not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. And at some point, it happens to every company, whether big or small. It’s best to follow the 3-2-1 backup method, but more than half of businesses only have their backups in the same physical location as their primary system. This is a huge no-no! If this sounds like you, and you only have one copy of your system’s backup at your office. Then if your hardware fails or a breach occurs, that backup is completely useless. That’s why it is essential to also have a copy backed up. And the safest place for your data is the cloud!

So, now that you’ve agreed to move to the cloud and understand its role in your security, back to your question: Where do I start?

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7 Recommendations for Cloud Migration


1. Start Your Cloud Migration Slow and Planned

First off, moving to the cloud doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing process. But the best way to start is to begin with a plan. There is no need to dive in headfirst. In fact, the easiest migrations happen when data is slowly added into the cloud with strategic intention. And truth be told, it is perfectly fine to maintain a hybrid cloud approach with some data in the cloud and some onsite, for however long is needed, if not permanently. 

2. Know Your Data

This is a major key to factor into your migration plan and can be easily compared to moving homes. Before you make the move, you first need to take account of what you have and organize it before you pack it all up in boxes and move it to your next destination. The same goes with your data and applications, make a list of all that you have and prioritize what you need to take with you to the cloud.

3. Know Your Options

Make sure you know what cloud options are available and which one/s will work best for the environment you need to create. If you missed our previous blog, To Cloud, or Not to Cloud, head on over to learn the difference between public, private and hybrid clouds. It’s also key to know how much storage, bandwidth and support you’ll need so you can make sure your company’s requirements are met and within budget, as no cloud is created equal.

"Cloud adoption statistics reveal that in 2020 a staggering 83% of the companies’ workload was stored on the cloud."


4. Do Your Research, Then Do More

The reality that small businesses face in their transition to the cloud is rarely pleasant. It’s very common we run into businesses that have horror stories related to a subpar cloud migration that led them to eventually return to their on-premise solutions. With unreliable cloud partners, comes hidden costs such as unexpected fees for overuse and trying to reclaim data. Make sure you do your due diligence and ask a lot of questions to ensure you choose a reliable provider.

5. Define Key Roles

It’s crucial to protect the structure and security of your cloud environment by asking yourself a few key questions regarding the data you’re sending up there. Who will have access? Who can add, delete, or modify data? What responsibilities belong to who and how will this change with the cloud? By limiting your staff’s access, you can ensure everyone is exactly where they need to be and nowhere they shouldn’t.

6. Add Encryption

It’s a common misconception that your cloud provider is responsible for the security of your data. Most cloud service providers offer encryption features and tools to manage your cloud security, so make sure you take full advantage. But when asking questions such as, Who controls and has access to encryption keys? And who is responsible if my data is breached? The answer is always you! And know, it’s not uncommon to bring in a third party to add even more security to your cloud environment.

7. When In Doubt, Partner Up

If you aren’t the most technically savvy or are just overwhelmed with the thought of making the transition to the cloud, there is no shame in turning towards an expert. Just like you probably count on a lawyer or financial advisor to help you navigate those unknowns, you can always turn to a technology advisor to ensure your cloud migration is seamless.

While the flight ahead to the cloud will be a long one and most definitely a challenge. With these tips in mind, you can begin to plan to move your business to the cloud safely and efficiently with the support of the right IT services team, like Cortavo.

Stop putting it off! Start your cloud migration with us.



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